

The defining property of XAIB is that it brings XAI evaluation closer to practice - allowing evaluation of methods on any custom datasets. Here are the description of datasets that are incorporated into XAIB experiments.



sk_dataset toy_dataset classification

breast_cancer is a collection of 569 records of different properties of cell nuclei from digitized images of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. Each record contains 30 numeric features and the class. Classes represent the state of nuclei – malignant or benign. Distribution is imbalanced – there are 212 malignant and 357 benign samples.

Source: sklearn



sk_dataset toy_dataset classification

Digits dataset is a collection of 1797 images of the hand-written digits 8x8 pixels each where each pixel can have intensity values from 0 to 16. Number of classes is 10 with each number corresponding to a digit. This dataset can help to understand how methods deal with high-dimensional sparse data, since each row is 64 values most of which are zeros being the background pixels.

Source: sklearn



sk_dataset toy_dataset classification

Wine dataset is another classification dataset in which data obtained from chemical analysis is intended to be used to recognize the type of wine. The data has 13 features corresponding to different chemical properties of wines and 3 classes which are somewhat imbalanced.

Source: sklearn



sk_dataset toy_dataset classification

Iris is another classical toy dataset. It contains balanced 150 samples of three classes where each class corresponds to the type of the iris plant. Each sample consists of four features namely: sepal length in cm, sepal width in cm, petal length in cm, petal width in cm. It is well known in the literature and is included mainly by that reason.

Source: sklearn



toy_dataset classification

Source: sklearn



toy_dataset classification

Source: sklearn