Add metric

Metrics are ways to numerically assess the quality of explainers and are parts of Cases

Create metric

First you need to create a Metric object - which will accept and explainer and data and return some value


You should define and self.direction of the metric in order for it to be displayed correctly in results. is the short name of what is measured and self.direction denotes what values are considered better - greater or less.

from xaib import Metric

class NewMetric(Metric):
    def __init__(self, ds, model *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(ds, model, *args, **kwargs) = 'new_metric'
        self.direction = 'down'

    def compute(self, explainer, *args, batch_size=1, expl_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
        if expl_kwargs is None:
            expl_kwargs = {}

        dl = SimpleDataloader(self._ds, batch_size=batch_size)
        for batch in tqdm(dl):
            # get explanations
            ex = expl.predict(batch['item'], self._model, **expl_kwargs)

        # Here compute and return your metric

        return np.random.rand()

Test new metric

Before adding your implementation directly into source code, it would be useful to test how it will work with standard XAIB setup

Since metrics are more low-level objects, they need special treatment when tested. Basically you need to create metric and append it to the existing Case of choice.

from xaib.evaluation import DatasetFactory, ModelFactory
from xaib.evaluation.feature_importance import ExplainerFactory
from xaib.evaluation.utils import visualize_results, experiment

train_ds, test_ds = DatasetFactory().get('synthetic')
model = ModelFactory(train_ds, test_ds).get('svm')

explainers = ExplainerFactory(train_ds, model, labels=[0, 1]).get('all')

metric = NewMetric(test_ds, model)

        'other_disagreement': dict(expls=list(explainers.values()))
def coherence():
    case = CoherenceCase(test_ds, model)
    case.add_metric('new_metric', metric)
    return case


visualize_results('results', 'results/results.png')

Integrate new metric

# xaib/cases/feature_importance/
# ...
from ...metrics.feature_importance import NewMetric

class CoherenceCase(Case):
    def __init__(self, ds: Dataset, model: Model, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        super().__init__(ds, model, *args, **kwargs)
        # ...

        self._metric_objs['new_metric'] = NewMetric(ds, model)