
The main focus of Cascade is data pipelines. The library allows to construct them from many interchangeable blocks, which are self-sufficient in terms of managing their own meta-data.

Dataset - or its direct successor defines a data source. For example in computer vision it can be a folder of images. For tabular data it is the source table itself.

In terms of aggregating meta data it should be able to describe itself and should do it in more details than any other pipeline block should. Manually written documentation for Dataset is the best thing that can be done and should be enforced.

Cascade has default builtin ways to write dataset doc. It is called Data Card and it can be used with DataRegistrator


Modifier - is a dataset that performs transformations on the dataset it accepts. It stores a reference to the previous dataset and is responsible for handling not only its own meta data, but previous dataset’s also. This mechanism allows to form and trace a pipeline as a whole starting at its last block.