How-to guides#

This is a page of how-to guides. Guides are basically answers to the “How to … with Cascade” type of questions. They should be practical and may require some background knowledge of Cascade.

If you are new to the library, you may want to start from the Tutorial page.


Build a pipeline

How to build data processing pipelines with module

Pipeline building

Experiment tracking#

Track model training experiment

How to conduct experiments with Cascade

Model training
Use a Trainer

How to make model training even easier with Trainers

Model training using trainers
Track a file

How to log files along with saved model

Track a file



Effectively track your sklearn experiments

Track scikit-learn experiment

To be written soon!

Experiment management#

Link Dataset to a Model

You can link anything to anything basically

Link anything
Comment on results of an experiment

Filling bare numbers with some meaning and starting discussions

Comment on results of an experiment
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It is about building your own system

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