Track scikit-learn experiment#

With Cascade you can track any ML experiment. And the workflow is usually the same for a single library.

Cascade respects the tools ML engineers use every day and was built to simplify repetitive work. This is the reason why it features scikit-learn integration - it simplifies experiment tracking a lot.

Everything is located in cascade.utils.sklearn.

from cascade.utils.sklearn import SkModel
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.svm import SVC

SkModel class accepts a list of Pipeline blocks from scikit-learn. Everything you can put into a pipeline, you can pass as a list to the Cascade wrapper.


Remember to use the keyword blocks, it will not work without it!

k_best = 2

model = SkModel(

Notice how k_best was passed both into a transform and wrapper. This is how SkModel gets the parameters to track. You can pass anything else you want to be tracked as parameters. This may change to an automatic parameters tacking in future versions.

After creating you can use the wrapper as you would use sklearn estimator.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris

iris = load_iris()

For example fit will look like this.,

And predict like this. Nothing unusual.


Cascade allows to conveniently use metrics in evaluation. You can create metrics by using alias like "acc" or "f1" here or using a name that you would import from sklearn.metrics module.

from cascade.utils.sklearn import SkMetric

metrics = [
    SkMetric("f1", average="macro"),
    SkMetric("precision_score", average="macro"),
    SkMetric("recall_score", average="macro"),

To evaluate a model, pass the data and a list of metric objects.

model.evaluate(,, metrics=metrics)

Evaluate will not return anything, instead it will fill metrics list inside a model.

from pprint import pprint

[SkMetric(name=acc, value=0.9533333333333334, created_at=2024-09-16 19:06:05.354980+00:00),
 SkMetric(name=f1, value=0.9532912954992826, created_at=2024-09-16 19:06:05.355031+00:00),
 SkMetric(name=precision_score, value=0.9543690619563763, created_at=2024-09-16 19:06:05.355048+00:00),
 SkMetric(name=recall_score, value=0.9533333333333333, created_at=2024-09-16 19:06:05.355060+00:00)]

Now to track all the results we can save the model to the line.

from cascade.lines import ModelLine

line = ModelLine("sklearn_demo", model_cls=SkModel)